Earthly Branch

Alternative Term:
Eb, 地支

The twelve Earthly Branches (地支) are a Chinese ordering system used throughout East Asia. The Earthly Branches are tied to Jupiter’s 12-year orbit around the Sun. They represent not only the twelve months but also correspond to the 12 ‘Shichen (时辰)’, with each Shichen equating to two modern hours. These branches are associated with zodiac animals, each reflecting specific traits, and they have connections to cardinal directions and seasons. The twelve Earthly Branches are: 子 (Zi), 丑 (Chou), 寅 (Yin), 卯 (Mao), 辰 (Chen), 巳 (Si), 午 (Wu), 未 (Wei), 申 (Shen), 酉 (You), 戌 (Xu), 亥 (Hai).